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November 18, 2004

Hey Furniture! Be Fashion Forward

Coming soon to Pure Contemporary is an interview with Stanley Jay Friedman––the modern design genius who brought Brueton the Undulatus Bench and Weiman the ever so comfy Snugg sofa (which, by the way, is one of the prizes included in PC's $20,000 Great Room Giveaway).

The man is infectiously energized about design. "I'll never stop," he says. "It's so exciting to experiment." Through all his excitement, though, he maintains sober insights into the marketing aspect of his industry. Take a cue from the fashion world, he says. (Friedman's wife, like Rick Lee's, is a women's fashion designer.) In fashion, they know how to package. His advice to marketing people in the furnishings industry––check out the trappings of a runway show or department store. Create the vibe that sells the piece.

Look for musings on modern with Stanley Jay Friedman this week in Pure Contemporary.

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