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November 10, 2004

Images -- size does matter

Pity you manufacturers who don't understand anything about digital photography. And by the lengthy download times of images on your websites, the numbers of you in the dark are vast.

Just as photos needed to be prepared differently for newspaper vs magazine, so too for web. Pics for the web need to be optimized -- so they eliminate that download problem. Done properly, you shouldn't see any visible degradation in quality. There are tons of tools out there to help you out like Debablizer, which is pricey but comes with a ton of features we use here at Pure Contemporary, or like GIFworks, which is free.

Still think optimizing is beyond you? Well then ask any 15-year-old to help you out. It's a good way to bond with the younger generation -- while making sure your website is fit for the 21st century.

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