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January 28, 2005
Comfortable Computer Chair by Bluebroc
UK company Bluebroc joined the contemporary furniture world with their debut chair the C-Station. Borne of the extreme discomfort designer Paul Tasker experienced during a five month motorcycle trip from London to Sydney, Australia, the C-Station is a beacon of comfort that invites you to relax, of course, but also to work.
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” Tasker says. “Sitting on the bike, I dreamt of comfort. By the time I crossed the Sydney Harbour Bridge the concept for the ‘C-Station’ was formed.”
No doubt his discomfort on the trip was magnified by those common sharp digs that remind us we've shirked some responsibility. Why else combine such a welcoming work area to the design? This chair has a place for your book, your drink, and your laptop, and it's not just a standard flat surface on which you could really just put anything. The C-Station is hooked up with hollow pipes for wiring so you can mount an adjustable monitor and sit back to do whatever it is you do. Ingenious.

Stay tuned to Bluebroc, they're getting ready to launch the C-2. The same old innovations but now, you can invite a friend. And with the new U-Station due out by this April, it seems like this company with a bent for stylish, contemporary, practical design, is just getting started.
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Comment on This Article Here! Comfortable Computer Chair by Bluebroc:
wow this chair is HEAVENNN
Posted by: annie | May 23, 2005 7:13:52 AM
It is truly a comfortable chair indeed. Wish I could have one of this at home. Thanks for sharing this in here.
Posted by: Oak Furniture Kent | May 26, 2011 4:48:05 AM
This is very luxurious chair and I can manage to sleep in there.
Posted by: jewelry making | May 27, 2011 2:57:57 AM
WOW! Its an all-in-one couch! This would be a great thing to have in an office.
Posted by: party bags | May 27, 2011 10:07:23 PM
There are ordinary office task chairs with the same ergonomic structures that are cheaper but still comfortable in a way.
Posted by: Double Glazing | Jun 10, 2011 10:01:32 PM
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