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March 25, 2005
Cookie Cutter Designs? Not Quite
An odd fact has been represented again and again in the design world recently: negative space creates positive vibes. Just look at designs by Tord Boontje and Louise Campbell.
Boontje makes whismical flower, deer and rabbit filled cut outs in Tyvek, a super strong sythetic paper. His work becomes curtains, lamps, even note cards and brings a new fun, hidden garden of earthly delights feel to modern design.
It's a feeling Campbell captured in her 2002 creation for the Crown Prince of Denmark. A rubber chair with fanciful tulip and heart cut outs, the Prince chair has been put into production by Hay.
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Comment on This Article Here! Cookie Cutter Designs? Not Quite:
Your blog shows curtains with rabbit, deer, flower cutouts. Curtains are
made of Tyvek. Names mentioned are Tord Boojte and Louise Campbell.
Would you refer me to a retail source for these curtains?
Posted by: J.McElroy | Apr 20, 2005 1:01:20 PM
Tord Boontje makes the Tyvek curtains and his website is at www.tordboontje.com.
Unfortunately, the order page says because they are moving, orders through the website have been indefinitely suspended.
But don't worry, you're still in luck because these curtains, called Until Dawn, are such design hits, they are available at the MoMA Online Store (https://momastore.org) for $90 non-member, $81, member. Always good to support the MoMA, but I also found it at Shop Spruce, (http://www.shopspruce.com/76.html), for just $80.
Good Luck!
Posted by: Caroline | Apr 20, 2005 1:10:49 PM
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