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March 21, 2005
Sharp Drawer Design
According to Sharp, nuking food is the standard method for home food prep now, and to underscore that, Sharp put the microwave in the center of the cooking universe. As part of its foray into the range appliance market, Sharp introduced the Microwave Drawer. While it could sit alone under the counter, it was more fun to rest it atop a conventional cook oven and cover the whole ensemble with a ceramic cook top. The whole unit fits in a 30" cavity and lists at $1399. That door thing is cool; get the right version of the The Insight Range, and the drawer opens automatically like a CD player.
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This is to inform you that i am highly interested to purchase your Sharp Drawer Design,which you posted for sale.
Please could You tell me your last given price to enable me finalise for payment.
Tony William
Posted by: Tony William | Mar 22, 2005 6:56:11 AM
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