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April 22, 2005

Product Design Input

If you've ever dreamed about being a product designer, here's your chance to help out in the process without the rigorous schooling. Dario Antonioni of Orange22 sent us this note asking for a little input and we thought you could help, too...

Hi friends,

We here at Orange22 are diving into new territory and excited about it!

This year we will design a new line of travel accessories and take them to market through our good friends at Flight001.

We designed all their stores and now we’d like to learn about a new industry and shake it up a little!

We’d like to do something that’s new and never been done quite the way we imagine it could be.

We need your advice....

Brandon Lynne, a super talented designer that I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past, will be the man behind this new line. He’s created an online survey that will help us gather information to better inform us of what we are up against.

Please, if you have 5 minutes, help us out and give us your two cents!!

Thanks for your help !!!

Click on the link below to get started:

Travel Accessories Design Survey.

Tell Us Your Thoughts Here!

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