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July 27, 2005

Bleach for Clean Design & Modern Accessories

BleachOnce you have the big things done––that’s the paint colors, furniture, rugs––it’s time to look for the accessories that will tie the room together and give it that personal flair everyone’s looking for. But with so many retail chains selling modern and contemporary accessories, it’s become hard to find pieces that are truly unique or witty or just plain beautiful.

But with their line of modern home accessories, Bleach Design has solved that problem. Based in Portugal with ability to sell directly anywhere in the world, Bleach embraces design as a quest to make a difference in everyday life, and, with prices for its entire collection ranging from about $45 to about $505, for everyday people.

We’re hard pressed to pick favorites, but contenders include the Wallpaper lamps, which integrate a lamp with a wallpaper-like background; As Flores Estao Na Mesa (The Flowers are on the Table), a glass urn-like vase with a ceramic top that has holes in it to make flower arranging simple (although it looks as good with or without them); and My Grass, a perfect habitat for indoor plants.

See these designs and the rest of the collection at Bleach.

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Comment on This Article Here! Bleach for Clean Design & Modern Accessories:

I think that the contrast of the bleech white with the vibrant colors, really makes the room unique! As opposed to a normal white or bland paint with colorful accents or accesories.

Alison Horvath
National Sales
Advance Furniture

Posted by: Alison Horvath | Jul 29, 2005 1:07:13 PM

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