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September 26, 2005
Frank Gehry & Brad Pitt, Design Duo?
The small English seaside town of Brighton and Hove takes life slowly, it just became a single town in 2000. But now, it's facing a controversial plan meant to propel it onto the international stage.
Brighton and Hove initially agreed “in principle” to a plan for "starchitect" Frank Gehry to build a £290 million landmark that should do for Brighton and Hove what the Guggenheim did for Bilbao, Spain, which is transform it from "off the grid" to tourist hot-spot. As an added bonus, for some reason, Gehry's friend Brad Pitt is said to want a hand in the design of the building. (Evidence of Pitt's qualifications in this field is so far non-existent.)
Whether Brighton and Hove will be regaled by the names Gehry and Pitt enough to give up their seaside views in favor of what many residents term a "monstrosity" remains to be seen. So far the plan, which if accepted will be complete in 2012, has generated nothing but controversy.
Gehry's inspiration for the project came from the top image of Edwardian ladies.
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Comment on This Article Here! Frank Gehry & Brad Pitt, Design Duo?:
What I always tend to think of when these huge blocks are planned, is with such an increase in population - in theory more parks should be built, more buses, more parking spaces and roads widened baring in mind Brighton's already riciculously over crowded traffic. None of the above tends to happen, and so our personal space and the places we go to "get away from it" get farther and farther away. Where I live, London, this is counter balanced slightly by the inhabitants of the new appartment blocks - they mostly remain unoccupied !
Posted by: Rick Smallwood | Jun 11, 2006 4:06:15 AM
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