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January 06, 2006

Fido's New Friend

Petcenter_1The toys, treats, bags of food and cleaning agents -- when you bring a pet into your home their essentials invade your space.

With over 69 million American homes owning one or more pets, ALNO has created the PetCenter - a unique cabinet system designed to contain all your household pet needs. With compartments and shelving for both canned and dry food, and the hide-away food and water bowels that neatly slide away beneath the cabinet, clutter is kept out of sight.

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» Kitchen Trend?: The Doggie Cabinet from Thinking by Peter Davidson
Ever since the kitchen trash can earned a roll out cabinet of it's own and special cabinets for mixers and countertop appliances I new that sooner or later a kitchen cabinet company would look for innovative ways to encase other kitchen clutter....... [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 11, 2006 1:54:27 PM

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