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January 26, 2006
Stylish Function at italdivani
Pure Contemporary saw italdivani at the Canadian Home Furnishings Mart in Toronto and loved their emphasis on useful styling.
This sofa's seat cushions are zippered in. That means they wont slide around like leather cushions often do, but if the unthikable happens, they can still be flipped.
The company debuted a new recliner too. The model features an adjustable headrest without the Velcro strips that might accompany such a thing. There's a loop in the pillow that hangs at the back of the recliner and suspends a pretty silver weight. Just sit, recline, reach up and pull your pillow where you want it. The weight ensures it stays put.

Notice the bright white leather? Italdivani spokespeople say this is the color that everyone wants. It's back from the late '70s and we hope it sticks around a while. And from the looks of the gorgeous Bizzarri S.P.A. showroom at the last High Point market, we're betting they hope so too.
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