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February 11, 2006

Mid-Modern on Fox's 24

A PURE CONTEMPORARY reader asked us if President Charles Logan’s retreat on Fox’s hit show “24” was modeled after the mid-century modern designs of architect John Lautner.  “24” is one of our favorite shows, and we couldn’t help but notice the gorgeous wood trim on doors, windows and walls, along with Lautner’s trademark merging of vista and architecture.  George_nelson_cigar_lamps1So we called “24” set decorator Cloudia Rebar and asked her about the inspiration for this season’s set.

“Not Lautner specifically,” said Rebar. “It is a compilation of many of the elements of mid-century architecture.”  Don’t look for any deep meaning between the surroundings and Logan’s rather timid character. “Mid-century is very chic right now and a timeless design concept. This was meant to be a long-time family home.”

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I gotta catch that show.

Posted by: Matt Bamberg | Jun 1, 2006 2:56:09 AM

The wood trims on the walls look fabulous. They lend sucha classy look to the room. I'm definitely gonna get soemhting on these lines made in my new home.

Posted by: Rika | Aug 25, 2006 9:19:12 AM

To Whom It May Concern,

I want to know where I can find and purchase the cherry wood curved wood desk that chloe sits at at the fox '24' CTU headquarters. If you can tell me who makes this desk that would also be helpful as well.


Mr. Anthony Levell

Posted by: Anthony Levell | Feb 10, 2008 4:02:49 PM

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