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July 03, 2006
Sightly Modern Fans
It's 93 degrees here at the beautiful Jersey shore, and tipping into the mid to high 80s throughout Europe. While air conditioning is a must when the temp and the humidity soar, sometimes a breeze is more welcome. When an ocean isn't around to refresh you -- the next best thing could be a ceiling fan. I say could be, because frankly most ceiling fans are uglier than sin.
Ron Rezek changed my mind. Owner and designer of The Modern Fan Company, Rezek's thermantidotes are geometric in form finished in textured nickel, brushed aluminum and white, and power air like a tradewind. Available in the Unites States for over a decade, nearly half of the line is now available in Europe. The Ball and Altus Hugger are two of the more popular models.
Now you can feel the breeze -- and keep your eyes open.
Technorati Tags: Modern Fans , Ron Rezek, Modern Design
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