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December 20, 2006

Be a clown for $195


Sometimes designers really are ahead of their time. Sometimes they're just trying to make us feel like we lack their exceptionally developed aesthetic. Come on Karim, do we lack your sophistication? No, but we do have common sense. And your Ikon shoes--breathtakingly hideous.

While bright white leather shoes might be considered tacky by some, for Karim, they're not nearly tacky enough. His version needed a little more Rashid, he took four of his "iconic" blob designs, made them flourescent, and affixed them to the top. Perhaps he found inspiration for these monstrosities while the circus was in town. Nice.

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But they are so Karim!! Who else can dress like Mr. Clean, albeit with a flourescent pink shirt underneath, and 3D glasses in white, but Karim Rashid?

Posted by: diane | Dec 20, 2006 12:05:18 PM

where can i get those?
(just kidding)

Posted by: mod*mom | Dec 20, 2006 11:15:49 PM

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