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December 14, 2006
BiOH Replaces Some Petroleum in Furniture Foam
Petroleum barrels would make uncomfortable couches, but petroleum is precisely what most manufacturers use to fluff furniture foam. Not great for the environment, or as it turns out, our wallets.
Furniture prices are linked to petroleum prices and as each grow, so shrinks the length of my design dollar. So as an eco-conscious consumer with a greenback deficiency, I think it's nice to know that there's an interest in getting rid of petroleum based foam. And Cargill, an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services, upped the ante with its innovative and award-winning BiOH polymers.
Cargill created these little petroleum substitutes from soybeans, and markets them to furniture manufacturers and designers. Although BiOH polyols do not replace 100% of the petroleum polyols, the replacement of a portion of them is a great start.
Some pluses:
BiOH made foam meets quality standards set by petroleum foams.
Producing BiOH polyols uses 60% les renewable energy than producing petroleum polyols.
BiOH polyols come from US grown soybeans.
BiOH foams come in the same wide range of foam densities of 100% petroleum.
Find out more at BiOH.com.
Technorati Tags: BiOH, Green Design, Petroleum, Foam, Furniture Manufacturing
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