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January 24, 2007

Wallpaper's "Best" for '07

Patos_main_8 Couldn't wait for Wallpaper's '07 Design Awards (how can the awards be for a year that's hasn't taken place yet?). The avant garde UK glossy loved Poltrona Frau's $16,000 very long leather sofa -- which nice as it is just doesn't do it for me. Although I like their choice in Hella Jongerius as furniture designer of the year for her gorgeous collection for Vitra which we featured last May.

They also brought to our attention the Hospes hotel chain in Spain for its juxtaposition of the haute modern with palacial grandeur resulting in an understated opulence. The category for Best dentist? Well that went to Nagano dental clinic -- designed by Japanese architect Hiroki Tanabe, who has just horded his 4th international award in a couple of years.Hiroki_tanabe_dental_clinic_1
Mn28yellow (Note how the buildings are 3 irregular teeth, which we loved being "yellowed" at night. Green would have been just bad taste.)

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