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August 07, 2007

Design for your Baby


How many times have you purchased a product only to find that the design lacks some obvious functionality?

Manufacturers want to design the best products, but a lot of times it's the consumer who's the expert -- we know what we want because we're so frustrated with not having it. It pushes us to become inventive, and nobody gets creative like new parents. Beyond the hell of car seats, the ubiquitous diaper bag gets the poorest marks. Each one available claims to have the best storage and smartest design, but none breaks through as the ultimate.

That's why Wee Generation wants your input on what makes the best diaper bag. They've assembled a crack team of design experts to cull your ideas and come up with the world's best version. The only rules - the environment comes first. This bag is about the future after all, and cradle to cradle the future is green.

Get more info, send in your ideas and sign up to be on the waiting list at the Wee Generation website. This bag may not exist yet, but its buzz sure does. After all, with so many experts chiming in, it's sure to be a winner. We'll know for sure before the close of 2007, when the mystery bag debuts.

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