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August 27, 2007
Modern Room Dividers
In the world of furniture's modern icons there are scores of chairs, sofas, and tables. But when it comes to room dividers, there is only one: the Eames plywood folding screen (left). Available in ebony, walnut, light ash and natural cherry, this icon costs around $1,675.
But for a cheaper, green alternative, check out Chiasso's Coil Room Divider. Made from vertical bamboo strips, this divider can be adjusted to look like the Eames version or even rolled up completely for easy storage. It will never be mistaken for the real thing, but think of it more as an eco-friendly approach with an easier to swallow price tag, $398.
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eames room dividers
Posted by: ck | Sep 30, 2007 9:55:28 AM
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