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October 01, 2007

As Much a Conversation Piece as Conversation Enabler


New York Architect Robert Bernstein's client was the consummate entertainer, having as many as two parties a day. It was not enough for guests to be seen so much as to interact, and a rectangular dining table just didn't suffice.

So Bernstein, whose milieu happens to be suspension, floated the idea of undulating table. The inlets and peninsulas would allow people to sit in and around the curves to foster conversation. "There is no one dominant place at the table," Bernstein tells us, "it is very democratic." This hand-drawn shape was the winner from about 100 different sketches. It was fabricated from 3/16"-thick painted steel, which was pieced, welded and painted in this Soho loft. The table is suspended from the ceiling, and anchored to the planked floors with stainless steel cables. The table sits about 20 people. Bernstein says that the cables were placed where arms weren't -- I would love to see this table set! The swivel seats are a must to allow you to turn to the different sections of the table.

Figure about $10,000 if you want to try this at home. -- Photo by Anthony May Photography.


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Comment on This Article Here! As Much a Conversation Piece as Conversation Enabler :

I would surely pick one for my news room.

Posted by: Zola | Oct 7, 2007 1:15:20 PM

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