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November 19, 2007

Project Runway Flops Apartment Design


The fourth season of Bravo's reality show "Project Runway" is underway. While fashionistas tune in to peep the newest runway trends we at PC are more interested in the contestant's digs.

Contestants on this season's show were treated to new apartments in NYC's luxury New Gotham.  The building has all the amenities any aspiring designer dreams of getting used to: 24-hour personalized concierge service, a full gym, basketball court.

The decor on the other hand, which in each of the six apartments provided was done by Bravo, looks like something most adults have already outgrown. Production designer Katie Abiad says they were going for minimalistic, which sans stripes and stencils they may have achieved. The overall look though lacks the sophistication of well-done minimalism. Instead of a few carefully chosen pieces of impeccable quality, we get the look of a budget one day makeover on HGTV.

The building's great, but to this design we say, "auf Wiedersehen."

We've got a design idea for Bravo: maybe next time let the cast of "Top Design" in on this project. At the very least they'll come up with something more inspired than beige.

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Design Star? They at least could have drafted a couple of designers from their own show "Top Design".

Posted by: Tbone | Nov 19, 2007 11:13:10 PM

I'm guessing they don't have much time to partake of the amenities.

Posted by: Paige | Nov 20, 2007 12:34:30 PM

i know can you believe how busy tehy are. still - she's right this apt isn't very interesting.

Posted by: | Nov 20, 2007 1:09:49 PM

My college dorm was more attractive!

Posted by: jlp | Nov 20, 2007 2:01:16 PM

i am not only a fan of the show but am also a production designer who does what she does....and i have to say your article is really poorly researched. you based your article on one picture attacking beige but i believe only one apartment has a beige wall.

secondly, probably none of your writers understand that designing for the world of motion picture is completely different than designing for residential or commercial. with budget and time constraints, directors, cinematographers, networks, the cast and producers all requiring different things in the sets it's a mess that only a select few designers can cater to.

seems sad that you use not only a totally old and cliche comment " auf Wiedersehen" (i mean the show is in its 4th season already and people have been using that phrase for years now...c'mon..find something new) but you're juding her design on one photograph only. the sets look fantastic on TV and that is always the goal.


what kind of review and blog is this? if you google her, clearly she knows what she's doing. and if you took the time to review all the sets, your article may have been a good one.

Posted by: | Dec 21, 2007 2:09:13 AM

I think you're missing the point. Minimalistic isn't - and shouldn't - cost a lot. These designers are starting out and have no money so spend. I think Ms. Abiad's design is spot on when you take the demographics into consideration.

Posted by: Vickie | Oct 17, 2008 10:25:49 AM

This apartment was I want to have a room with. I think live in here was so great, beautiful designs too.

Deirdre G

Posted by: real estate in Philippines | Feb 21, 2010 9:01:27 PM

The room is very simple and it is quite elegant for apartment style. But the lightening, i don't like because you can see the lights are directly to the people so it is bad to the eyes there must be an light divider or blocker for that kind of a lightning.

Posted by: california remodeling estimates | Mar 2, 2010 8:52:37 AM

These are good apartment designs. I love the functionality and style. I even love the whole interiors. This is indeed a great place to live especially if you are chic and have an active lifestyle. I really adore it. Thanks a lot for sharing it. More power.

Posted by: curtis johnson | Feb 1, 2011 1:03:32 AM

The designs work for me. Don't see this type of style where I live.

Posted by: Owe the IRS | Jun 16, 2011 9:50:33 AM

i think its cool

Posted by: roma | Jan 1, 2012 1:00:37 PM

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