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February 22, 2008
Mod baby dining
My family is growing -- as are my babysitting duties. As it goes, I have to outfit my home for the visiting little ones -- primarily somewhere for them to eat and sleep.
My dining area isn't exactly conducive to children, so a good highchair is a must. I went to one of those cumbersome baby stores -- and was instantly annoyed. Apparently there are very few options for an all-in-one baby diner. Then it happened -- the dreaded salesperson.
I was naive enough to inform them of what I was looking for. Apparently, I needed to buy a bouncy to start. Then as the child gets older they have to be moved to a regular highchair. THEN, I'll have to have a good booster seat once the child outgrows the highchair. Are you kidding me.
Why I didn't just go in search of what I needed online, I don't know. But after leaving the store empty handed I quickly found several options on the web. Here are two of my faves --
Pictured -- The Hi Lo Chair and Mutsy Easy Grow. Both available from Liapela.
Want more of Pure Contemporary's picks for modern baby and kids? Click here.
Tags: modern design, modern high chair, contemporary baby, modern baby furniture, design for children
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