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August 05, 2008

One Good Chair


With all the hullabaloo around Green Design, the goal of the One Good Chair competition, to needle designers into creating a simple, eco-friendly chair, seems like a relatively easy task. But that perception is deceptive, as the winning entries reveal.

The Competition charges entrants with creating a chair that's environmentally sound from from the production phase onward and which focuses on form...

What kind of shapes can minimize resources while maximizing comfort and enjoyment? How can design integrate ecology and ergonomics? Your design should demonstrate a new attitude toward an old problem. Transcend basic green standards by transforming the very nature of the chair. Show us how inventive you can be. Push the envelope. Knock our socks off.

And the winners did. Find out more about the chairs at OneGoodChair.


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Leave it to an NC State grad!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Carrie Flynn | Sep 16, 2008 3:44:42 PM

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