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October 13, 2008

Antique Herringbone Floors, Modern Furniture


4489_pp Paula Abdul knows it, scientists know it, and of course, the most interesting designers know it: Opposites attract.

Ask any artist or writer and they'll extol the virtues of juxtaposition. Having opposing items next to each other exposes the qualities of each to greater degree. This, I hope, explains the excitement I had when I first saw Herringbone Natural from Exquisite Surfaces. Although the floor is shown here in a traditional setting, imagine it under more modern furniture.

For dust haters like me, a floor with such warmth and variation in texture and color is a reprieve from rugs. Who would want them, with a floor like this?

The dark color is also a tribute to feng shui principles of nature. The floor, or ground, should be darkest in the room with the walls lighter and ceiling (representing the sky) lightest.

For me, these floors are the perfect backdrop to modern furniture icons, like the Le Corbusier Chaise or Platner's wire Lounge Collection, and the ideal base for a minimalist home.

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Comment on This Article Here! Antique Herringbone Floors, Modern Furniture:

Really it is different and innovative idea of Antique Herringbone Floors furniture. Everybody will like this idea and will try to arrange it in their house. Thanks for sharing the blog.

Posted by: Modern Furniture | Oct 15, 2008 8:52:45 AM

If you want quality modern furniture items, then visit

Posted by: ross | Oct 20, 2008 7:20:50 AM

Antique furniture is not only a feast for the eyes, but you can also see Regal splendor come to life with him.

Posted by: | Dec 31, 2009 7:28:08 AM

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