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February 06, 2009

Love is in the Air

T_17568-1Love is in the air with that boho-kitschy flair that is Jonathan Adler. He's got it all - the love hand, a fist with  the word Love Tattooed one letter at a time on each digit (I remember a Detroit waitress with the same look - only her fingers spelled out OZZY). Either way the effect is the same - a sweet, naive toughness. Yours for $225.

T_17554 Don't forget the peace/love needlepoint pillows or, for the less subtle among us, one that says Lust. ($98 - $175).

T_16600 He's got Love jars and Love ornaments, and a kitschy high point - the sperm decorated Condom Caddy. ($55)

Check it all out at Jonathan Adler.

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