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April 20, 2009

Collapse & Expand

Small on space -- this line of home furnishing collapses, stores easily, and can accommodate many!

Green Chair Canada 1 Green Chair Canada 2 Green Chair Canada 3 Green Chair Canada 4 Green Chair Canada 5 

Born out of the desire for an expandable chair, Eugenio Mercado of Green Chair Canada, began experimenting with honeycomb. The result -- a line of more usable furniture that you can carry around with you (they weigh less than half a pound)!

Full list of Green Chair Canada's products:
Green Chair - Expandable Chair to sit up to 15 people
Green Worm -Expandable Stool to sit up to 15 people
Green Table - Expandable Table (expands up to 8 ft.)
Green Turtle - Not expandable stool/table for one person
Enviro Lighting - Semi-expandable lamps

While the honeycomb cannot be painted, the sides of the furniture can feature various designs.

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-- allie

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