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May 27, 2009

Modern Kitchen Accessories

The age old problem of how to boil an egg with cracking the shell has found a solution. It's the Mosquito Egg Piercer, a modern contraption of stainless steel and whimsy.

One way eggs try to escape their destiny once they feel caught in the heat of boiling water, is to crack and release festoons of their precious egg white.

The Mosquito Egg Piercer, now offers the remedy for these nuisance eggs. Made of everlasting steel, the Mosquito operates on egg-headed spoilsports by immunizing them with a tiny prick.

The procedure goes as follows. Place the raw egg - blunt head down - into the annular hole of the Mosquito. Apply the tight but gentle grip of your hand around the egg top, some reasonable pressure and a bit of first-try courage. Then push down and pierce. Your egg is now relieved of any more cracking ideas the tiny puncture at the egg's bottom will allow internal gas to escape lowering the pressure build up during the boiling process.

Available through Mocha.

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