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August 24, 2009

Mom's best friend

Numi-stair-gate As promised, we're filling the last week of August with modern finds for modern babies!

My husband and I not only have a very inquisitive dog, but a baby on the way as well! This of course begs the question, "how do we keep the dog away from the baby," and vice versa. A sturdy baby gate will soon become a necessity -- keeping the dog out of the nursery while baby sleeps, and keeping baby contained (and the dog happy) once crawling.

My personal favorite (so far) is the walnut and brushed-metal Numi gate. Sadly, I'm having a hard time finding a US retailer. The search continues.

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-- allie

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good find!

Posted by: designdiva | Aug 25, 2009 2:29:43 PM

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