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November 03, 2009

Free Chairs in NYC!!!


Get ready NYC dwellers, soon you may be lucky enough to notice a "real good chair" sitting curbside. Grab it, it's for you!

The stunt is a marketing gig for Blu Dot, the mannies of modern, minimalist furniture and it's happening tomorrow and Thursday (Nov 4-5, 2009).

Here are the details as Blu Dot tells it:

When its SoHo store opened in 2008, Blu Dot became surrounded by the resourceful culture of “curb-mining:" the act of finding furniture and art on the street. Now that a year has passed, they collaborated with their friends at mono to conduct a curb-mining experiment of their own.

They had a few questions: What would happen if we left a bunch of Real Good Chairs all over New York, free for the take? Who will grab them? Where will they go? How will they get there? What will their new homes look like? To answer them, the Real Good Experiment was born.

So, starting tomorrow, 25 Real Good Chairs will be dropped around NYC. Many chairs will be GPS-enabled. You can follow their journeys in real-time at Blu Dot . And for updates from the field, follow the chair on Twitter.

Once the chairs have reached their destinations, Blu Dot will follow up with the new owners as part of a documentary that will be released in December to celebrate the first anniversary of its SoHo showroom.

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