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December 09, 2010
Sanindusa’s Wc Care Shower Enclosures
Having just returned from a four-day Thanksgiving vacation subsidized—nay, wholly financed—by certain financially sound members of the extended family, I can certainly see how one becomes accustomed to a luxurious touch or two. And by this I don’t mean anything too extravagant, but it’s definitely nice to step into a glass-walled shower enclosure with functional features and an appealing aesthetic. Portugal-based manufacturer Sanindusa knows a thing or two about exactly that. The company professes a customer-oriented philosophy, developing products “to our customer’s needs” and “implementing innovative and quality solutions.” The Wc Care line of shower doors goes beyond the usual interpretations of this objective to offer enhanced features for people with limited mobility.
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Shower enclosure is a necessity for those who do not have much space to make a separate bathroom. It maximizes the effect of having a steam bath due to its enclosed shape that helps retaining the temperature of that particular space.
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Posted by: modern lighting | Apr 27, 2012 1:36:26 PM
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